Thursday, May 29, 2008

Perhaps you are wondering what to get Tim for his birthday, 05 June. Here are some ideas for various budgets:

President level –
Mitsubishi Evolution or
Subaru WRX

Senator level –
50 inch plasma flat screen TV with 1080p

Representative level –
Nikon D80

Governor level –
Sony Playstation 3

State Attorney General Level –
MARC Train Ticket Aberdeen to BWI

Mayor level –
Controllers for Nintendo Wii
Guitar Hero for Nintendo Wii

Town Council level –
Movie: The Big Lebowski

Otherwise, cards, or if you feel obligated, gift cards. Or something creative. Or something from the heart, but not a bullet from the left ventricle or anything like that.

Monday, May 19, 2008

clam head

Zoes' favorite supper after Alaska fish, a.k.a. salmon are clams. If she could eat the shells, she would.


Zoe got to ride on the Girls Scout float in the Dublin Parade a few weeks ago. The parade mostly consisted of the parade marchers and float riders tossing candy to the parade watchers. It's almost better than trick-or-treating. The Girl Scouts won 2nd place for their float.