Monday, July 19, 2010

Lebowskifest - Indoors

White Russians were a key to happiness, and they were only $4.50! You might notice the guy in line has tattoos of every major character from the movie on his arms. Good idea? I'm sure he thought so.

This is Marina, as the clerk from Ralph's. Good costume, if you ask me, but she did not win.

This gal is bowling pins.

I bowled with this guy. You don't want to pull any crazy stuff with him because he will pull the trigger until it goes 'click.'

Liam! This is the actor who played Liam, Jesus' bowling partner.

Lebowskifest - Outdoors

This guy won the costume contest for the best character from the movie. He is "the stranger." Actually, the main characters (the Dude, Maude, and Walter) each had their own contest. One of the Walters won the overall contest due to good bowling.

I finally found Saddam, but the government canceled the bounty to maintain the story that he was "found in Iraq."

These guys were the Chinamen who took the Big Lebowski's legs in Korea.

This woman was Walter's ex-wife, who went to Hawaii. This character was never seen in the movie, it's hard to know if it is a faithful rendering.

These guys won the best group costume, the strangers in the alps.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Great Battle

It all started innocently enough. We let the cats out. Then, someone let the dogs out. Who let the dogs out? I don't know, but probably our neighbor, who owns the dogs.

This guy was the attack cat. He and Orange Julia would occasionally rush at the dog, which apparently came as a surprise to the dog, who would cower and run away. And then come back.

This one mostly just ran away.

Annie guarded the base.

When Annie was on patrol, she substituted out for this smaller sentry.

This butterfly did not enter the fray. It just stayed away from the fighting, and minded its own business.


This one is from August third. Of this year. It is Annie and some flowers. It turns out iPhoto is the key to getting pictures off your iPhone. Notably, not the "Sync" function in iTunes.


This is from June 15th, when Zoe and Annie had their dance recital.

Zoe and Max

This picture is from June 8th, when we had the end of year parent teacher conference. Zoe's teacher always had a beach theme for everything, so she had this thing. Zoe and Max had a good time posing in there.

Orange Julia and the kittens

Here are the kittens hanging out with Orange Julia. They have gotten bigger. This picture was taken April 26th. Well, Orange Julia has not gotten bigger, but the kittens have.

Friday, July 09, 2010


William has recently decided he is a part-time outdoor cat. Here he is on the roof of the house.