Saturday, December 08, 2007

The bathroom project

This is the inside of some of the walls in our house. We suspect this part used to be a log cabin. We were just going to replace the floor in the bathroom but ended up doing some walls, too. Hopefully it will be finished soon.


Zoe asked, "Mommy, why is Daddy breaking the house?"


Annie is sacked out after a hard day of play. Her pal, Posey, has found a warm placed to sleep.

The cake

Annie's birthday cake is environmentally friendly. It uses the Care Bears from Zoe's birthday cake.

Birthday girl

Annie is practicing for blowing out the candles on her cake.

Zoe is pouting because we sang her unfavorite song when Annie's birthday cake came out.

Annie is helping make her birthday cake by eating the frosting.

Annie sits with Grandma and Grandpa Smith and plays with our new portable DVD player.


Uh oh! Someone got carried away and raked a child in the leave pile. All these leaves came from the nicest tree in the yard. GGGRRRR!!


This is the best tree in the yard. It is nicely shaped and it has pretty leaves in the fall. Also, it's the only tree in the yard not in danger of Tim and his trusty chainsaw.